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Replicatorg For Mac

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by reusicsdottio1970 2020. 2. 8. 15:47


I'm getting an error when running the last step. On 11 Nov 2012, at 6:54 PM, Bottleworks wrote: I'm getting an error when running the last step. On 11 Nov 2012, at 7:19 PM, JohnA. Wrote: I know people found that PyPy was creating different skeinforge toolpaths versus regular python - is that still the case, and does it matter? It used to at some point owing to a difference in how it played out hash table entries (python dictionaries). But that seems to be a thing of the past, at least with the pypy I've been using.

  1. Replicatorg For Mac Os
  2. Replicatorg For Macbook Air

Sailfish Firmware To download the latest version of the Sailfish / Jetty Firmware, in ReplicatorG - Sailfish: Make sure that you have the latest version of ReplicatorG - Sailfish. I just put together a new Ultimaker, and while the build went well (so far as I can tell), I havent been able to get the software side of things to work. Whenever I open Replicator G, the window loads fine, I can connect to my Ultimaker, and using the Control panel to move the axes, adjust the te.

I did some comparisons of a number of builds and couldn't find any differences at all (diff'd the gcodes). Dan Bottleworks, 19:56 น. So, the update to 10.8 apparently wipes a fair it. It killed the CLTs, and both iOS simulator packages. But, I still have errors - just different. I need x windows too? On 11 Nov 2012, at 7:56 PM, Bottleworks wrote: So, the update to 10.8 apparently wipes a fair it.

It killed the CLTs, and both iOS simulator packages. But, I still have errors - just different. I need x windows too? BTW, you may be able to get by with the pre-built pypy.

(I seem to.) On OS X 10.7.5, I'm using the one from However, the procedure Jon posted is more general and as such likely to give better results provided you have the prerequisites in place. Dan Gerald Orban, 20:34 น. On 11 Nov 2012, at 9:13 PM, Gerald Orban wrote: That's the installer I've tried in the past however, when I point RepG to PyPy it complains that TKinter isn't available which offers to take me to the python website to download it. Perhaps it's a library I need to get Tk is the GUI/windowing addition to the Tcl interpreter. Tkinter is bindings which allow Python to use Tk. access to elsewhere? I see it clearly in the PyPy release: 'pypy-1.9 lib-python 2.7 lib-tk'.

I'll try to dig a bit deeper. Those directions from Jon Daniels included pulling, building, and installing Tkinter, but for OS X and not Windows.

As you have concluded, you would need to do something similar for Windows. (I wouldn't have hit that as I most certainly already had Tkinter installed on my Mac.) Dan Bottleworks, 21:37 น. On 21 Nov 2012, at 8:50 PM, Darrell jan wrote: If I don't-what do I do? Sorry if the question is too naive- I feel like I have big holes in what I need to know. From a terminal window (Applications Utilities Terminal) sudo mkdir -m 0755 -p /usr/local/include That command will prompt you for your password (the 'sudo' part). It will then create /usr/local/include and any intermediate directories if needed (-p).

It will also set the permissions correctly (-m 0755). Before issuing the command, you can do a ls /usr/local/include If the directory does not exist, you'll see the error ls: /usr/local/include: No such file or directory Once you create the directory, you can then do sudo ln -s /opt/X11/include/X11 /usr/local/include/X11 Dan Darrell jan, 21:34 น. On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:34:35 PM UTC-8, Darrell jan wrote: Thanks-so far so good. Now to wait until the current print is finished. On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:05:02 PM UTC-8, dnewman wrote: On 21 Nov 2012, at 8:50 PM, Darrell jan wrote: If I don't-what do I do? Sorry if the question is too naive- I feel like I have big holes in what I need to know.

From a terminal window (Applications Utilities Terminal) sudo mkdir -m 0755 -p /usr/local/include That command will prompt you for your password (the 'sudo' part). It will then create /usr/local/include and any intermediate directories if needed (-p). It will also set the permissions correctly (-m 0755). Before issuing the command, you can do a ls /usr/local/include If the directory does not exist, you'll see the error ls: /usr/local/include: No such file or directory Once you create the directory, you can then do sudo ln -s /opt/X11/include/X11 /usr/local/include/X11 Dan Sean J, 14:52 น.

On 26 Nov 2012, at 2:57 PM, Jon Daniels wrote: Thanks for the tip. That got me thinking and I checked out the PyPy that is bundled with Repetier-host. Apparently RH ignores the fact that Tkinter is not installed whereas ReplicatorG checks if Tkinter is there and won't proceed without it. I don't know why ReplicatorG needs Tkinter. It could slice without it. Anyone know? I'm fairly certain that SF is using Tkinter for the profile editing interface.

Tk is a really well thought out, simplistic GUI building interface which was done for Tcl back in the mid '90s. (It's hands down the easiest programming interface for making a minimally serviceable, bare bones GUI in.) A number of interpreters such as Python, Ruby, etc.

Have added interfaces to it for purposes of making simply GUI interfaces. So, it stands to reason that SF is using it for its profile editing interface. You can, with pypy selected as your Python, see what happens when you go to edit a profile.

And just because it works doesn't prove me wrong: it may be that RepG is not properly detecting whether Tkinter is available whereas PyPy is managing to find it. Dan Jon Daniels, 8:56 น. I should mention that I was foolish enough to mess with the system a little bit: I put a layer of that 3M thermally conductive sheet between the aluminum and glass this morning. I can't say for sure how it's affected things thermally, though a quick view with the IR thermometer suggests much better uniformity. But it had an immediately visible unintended benefit: apparently my glass had been shimmying a little, probably because my plastic clips were weakening. But with the 3M sheet down, even without clipping it, it. There was some waviness on the previous plate of parts that's no longer in evidence, thank goodness.

So it sticks better, and it insulates better, but now you can't remove it! Do you have kapton on the aluminum plate? Maybe adding or removing it will help with releasing the 3m material?

Replicatorg For Mac Os

I am surprised repG doesn't ship with its own pypy python build, as it would help everyone, especially new folks. I have been a python developer for a decade, but I rarely have had to 'setup' python outside of fiddling with the sitecustomize file. I'm not sure how challenging it would be for MBI to implement this. The interface sheet has a plain white side and a side with teensy black speckles.

Yesterday, not knowing if there was a difference, I put the white side up. I've now flipped and reapplied it. Maybe in this configuration it will let the glass come up and leave the interface sheet on the aluminum? I may have missed it, but I don't think the documentation addressed whether there was one side that was stickier than the other.

So the difference may be not in the sides of the sheet but rather the inherent surface properties of glass vs. Machined aluminum. On 15 Dec 2012, at 10:26 AM, boardworks wrote: Holy crap, that's just amazing, look at the chart below comparing the slice of a model rocket fincan (from ThingiverseSTL file used here.) Timings are in seconds. I'm going to print this on my Rep2 using the gcode generated with pypy and will report back if I have any issues. I've attached the RepG console output for each slice (standard Python and pypy) to this post for anyone who wants to review. I've been using pypy for quite some time with RepG (6+ months?) and not seen any issues I believe that for a while the Ultimaker folks were also using PyPy with RepG until they moved off of RepG altogether. There had been some concerns in the past which had at bottom the fact that keys for associative arrays (i.e., dictionaries, hash tables) played out in a different order from PyPy vs.


Straight Python. But that's no longer and issue (and I'm unclear of whether it ever was an issue). Dan Jwo Fox-Lee, 15:17 น. On 23 Feb 2013, at 10:38 PM, TobyCWoods wrote: Wrote way too soon. An hour later and it finished. It brought the iMac to it's knees multiple times but it never seemed to crash. I watched Activity Monitor and PYPY regularly accessed 2.6GB.

When it was done there was no gcode tab. I saved and there's a 178mb gcode file. But it does not load.

So it seems even with PYPY RepG/Skeinforge chokes on large, complex stuff. Got to get Kisslicer workin right. But how will KISSlicer help?

The issue is that RepG cannot load large gcode files unless you take steps to tell the Java VM that it can consume more memory. So, you run KISSlicer and it generates a large gcode file. You still need to get that gcode file into RepG to turn it into s3g/x3g. Failing that, you could try to get MakerWare to process that large gcode file. But then you will really be in a Brave New World running KISSlicer gcode through MakerWare. Dan TobyCWoods 23/2/2013, 23:24 น.

Replicatorg For Macbook Air

IMO they can be doing Makerware so they have more control over the user experience with their product. However, again IMO, the device should be decoupled from the software as much as possible and that all device producers should be using a standard interface between the device and the controlling software. MBI is taking on too much with MW. Instead of focusing all their energies into their flagship product and maintaining the mainstays (rep 2 and rep1 respectively) they are flailing around and making incredibly bad decisions regarding issues that can break them. Boardworks 4/3/2013, 7:40 น.